What are the differences between review subscription and review job?

First, you must understand your needs:

  • Do you need all the reviews and plan to monitor updates and get all changes going forward?

    → Create Review Subscription

  • I just need all or a subset of reviews as of now. No need to monitor.

    → Create Review Job

A review subscription is not a commitment. The term subscription is just to indicate that it’s not a one-off job but rather to monitor for changes. This is unrelated to the account’s subscription. We do not have account level subscription. Our API is per use. You can use 0 or ∞ credits without commitment.



Monitor changes for 30 days: new review, new reply, updated review, etc. No monitoring. A snapshot of the reviews at the time they are requested.
Cannot restrict the dataset, returns all the reviews Can set a limit to the number or reviews and/or the date of the reviews
Base fee 150 credits Base fee 75 credits
Data retention: 30 days Data retention: 5 days

With bot Subscription and Job you can:

  • Have unlimited number of API calls to download
  • Apply limit and filters
  • Deliver data via webhook
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