Find Business

With this service, you can find any business page by name and address across multiple networks.

Get the list of businesses, i.e. review pages, that match the search query from the given list of networks. The search query consists of the name of the business or its category, and optionally the address. If the business is found, the response contains a list of up to 10 businesses per network. You can also limit the list of fields to be returned. Data like images, exact address, review count, etc. might be missing on some networks. This service returns fewer details compared to querying business details which performs a more in-depth lookup.

Some networks have specific criteria. ExpediaOrbitz, and Travelocity use the same data and format. As a result, you might be getting data for Expedia showing URL on Orbitz but all info and reviews are valid and taken straight from the requested source.

Learn more about query-string parameters and API responses by checking out our documentation.

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