How does "Match Business" work?
This service helps you exactly match the business page you're looking for across our supported networks and instantly provides you with rich information about each page. All you need to do is provide the name and the address of the business.
Go to or Click on the API icon and then Match Business.
Start building your query by entering the required fields: Business / Profile Name and Business Address.
Select all the networks you wish to match the business profile on. Please note that leaving all networks and fields unchecked is equivalent to selecting all and that each extra network costs 10 extra credits. You'll notice that the estimated number of credits will change by checking and unchecking networks and fields.
Add any filters if you'd like by selecting all optional fields. Please note that leaving all networks and fields unchecked is equivalent to selecting all.
When ready, click Run to receive results of your query right away.
You'll be directed to see the results of your query. in a matter of seconds. Click JSON to download result into JSON format.